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“The three friends of the cold”(岁寒三友)

Aug 06, 2021


“岁寒三友The three friends of the cold” refer to pine trees, bamboo and plum blossoms. Pine and bamboo do not wither in the cold winter, and plum blossoms are hardy and open at the end of winter and early spring. Pine, bamboo and plum arrogantly face the wind, stand frosty, and have a commendable spirit!

The ancients called the three plants, the pine which symbolizes evergreenness and immortality, the bamboo which symbolizes the way of a gentleman, and the plum which symbolizes icy cleanness and jade, as the "three friends of the cold", not only because of their unyielding attitude to the predicament, but also the great beauty of heaven and earth. , Gives life the charm of never disappointment.

Pine,  the head of "three friends of the cold". It lives to tell the world: live up to yourself, live up to your youth, bravely do what you want to do, time is good, and you are afraid of loneliness and death. Confucius has a famous saying: "The year is cold, and then the pine and cypress will wither after knowing it." It means that when the weather is the coldest every year, only the pine and cypress are tall and straight. They are like the guardians of life, even on cliffs, even in violent storms and snow, they grow resolutely and quietly.

Let's talk about "bamboo" , the firmness of pine and the integrity of bamboo. In the days of heavy snowfall, although the bamboo can't stand still like a pine, it is still green when you look at it. For bamboo, even if it is not in time, it has to grow unyieldingly. The ancient literati Su Shi loved bamboo. He believes that "I would rather eat without meat than live without bamboo." For him, living without bamboo would make people tacky. In Bai Juyi's view: "Water energy is weak for my friend, bamboo solution is my guilty conscience." It means that water can make people's personality indifferent, so I take water as my friend; bamboo knows how to be humble, so It can be my teacher. Once people meet the food they really like, they can create endless possibilities. The love of bamboo is just to live the way you want, regardless of wind and rain, not afraid of wind and snow, life will never treat you badly.

Finally , plum blossom, the most beautiful existence of "three friends of the cold". In the cold winter, when you walk in a white snowfield, you can see a red plum blossoming in full bloom. The plum blossoms are like hopes born in the desperate state of life, small but brilliant. Loving plum blossom not only loves its beautiful appearance, but also its immortal soul. There is a poem: "It's not cold, how can the plum blossoms smell fragrant?" It means that if you don't experience such a thorough cold, how can there be such a tangy fragrance of plum blossoms? Lu Xun once said, "China is really like a plum tree. It is so old and decayed that it has one or two new shoots suddenly, and it has returned to the scene of dense flowers and verdant green leaves." For thousands of years, We love plum blossoms because of their temperament, perhaps because we have the same plum blossom soul in our bones, and this kind of love deepens this soul, and it lasts for a long time.

Maybe we can be like “three friends in the cold”, in the quiet, not hurriedly and strong, in the difficult situation, do not rush and grow up, in addition to self-cultivation, more calm and calm, when looking back on the road, calmly confident and smiling plum blossom.

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